About this blog

As you have probably guessed already, Schwarzenberg-Blog is a blog about the town of Schwarzenberg. Actually, there’s more than one town called Schwarzenberg in Germany and Austria, so let me add: this blog is about Schwarzenberg in the Ore Mountains (Erzgebirge). It is located in Saxony, pretty close to the Czech border and half an hour’s drive away from Chemnitz, two hours from Dresden and Leipzig, and three hours from Prague.

What is this blog about?

After the first post in March 2009, I have been writing several articles each month. They may be short or long, but all of them contain photos. I announce and review local events and share photos taken in all corners of the town.

Who is blogging?

I was born in Schwarzenberg, left after finis­hing school, but came back a couple of years later. I now work as an editor for all kinds of texts, inclu­ding books and adver­ti­sing copies. Blogging, however, has been one of my passions for a long time. Being an editor means spen­ding a lot of time in front of the computer. As compen­sa­tion I love going for walks through town, always having my camera (or: mobile phone) ready.


PS: I didn’t trans­late this text, „About this blog“, from German into English, this was done by Matthias Groh, who’s just the best brother.

PPS: Schwarzenberg-Blog on Facebook: facebook.com/schwarzenbergblog